Day 1: Home to Quebec City

As expected, today was all about driving. Somehow we actually managed to leave the house pretty much exactly when we planned, and it was an easy ride all the way. We stopped for a great lunch in Ballston Spa (great little town) and coffee in Plattsburgh (just no), and got…

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Day 2: Quebec City

We had a nice day walking around Quebec today. Our day started at one of the city’s more famous boulangeries, where we totally pigged out on croissants – and oh my, that was definitely worth the pound of butter we probably ate. Walking back to the hotel we realized it…

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Day 3: Quebec City (sort of)

We went a little off script today. First we stopped at North America’s oldest existing grocery store – it’s been in business continuously since 1871. We had fun poking around although we didn’t buy too much. The fudge sausage proved too tempting to resist. We have no idea what it…

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Day 4: Quebec City to Matane

My husband led me astray today. For weeks as we’ve been preparing for this trip, he’s been talking about leaving the coast and traveling on all these gravel roads that crisscross the peninsula – a little like ‘light’ off-roading. So after driving a couple of hours north on the Trans-Canada…

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Day 5: Matane to Gaspe

We backtracked a bit this morning, to visit the Reserve Faunique de Matane – otherwise known as a wildlife preserve. Since it’s supposed to be prime habitat for moose, we figured we HAD to finally see one – and we did! He (she?) was totally chill, just kind of stared…

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Day 6: Gaspe

Today has been totally awesome. We actually slept in a little this morning, as we were both a bit tired. Late this morning we drove out to Forillon National Park, which is the main attraction here in Gaspe. We drove over to the east side of the peninsula, which is…

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Day 7: Percé

We drove down the coast to Percé today. On the way down the coast, we got a great view of the Gaspe peninsula and Forillon Park from the other side of the cove: It was a beautiful drive down the coast. As we got near to Percé, the road got…

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Day 8: Gaspe to Miramichi

Not too much to blog about today. We took a very long drive down the southern coast of the Gaspe peninsula… tons of small fishing villages and farms, and cove after cove. We had a great lunch in a little local place we found in a town called Bonaventure. It…

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Day 9: Miramichi to Cape Breton

We left Miramichi pretty early this morning, as we had another long drive in front of us. Unfortunately the weather’s been very rainy and foggy all day, so we definitely missed some beautiful scenery along the way. We stopped for lunch in Truro, at the most unassuming looking little place….

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Day 13: Bay of Fundy

We definitely had fun in Fundy today! This place has always been on my bucket list, and it was totally cool. Much muddier than I expected though. We drove out to the Fundy Tidal Interpretive Centre, which was weird and not as interesting as we’d hoped. It’s located on the…

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Day 14: Wolfville to St. Andrews

Today we said goodbye to Nova Scotia. We both definitely would like to come back here again, we didn’t even begin to explore it all. On the drive towards New Brunswick, we took a brief detour to Mastodon Ridge, because honestly, we just haven’t seen enough super weird stuff on…

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