Expedition 2019

This is our planned on road route to/from Newfoundland. I realize this will be a significant amount of backtracking, so we may cut west into New Hampshire and avoid the Maine coast, because fuck Maine. If we keep to this route, it works out to be around 3400 road miles…

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Wait, you guys are at it again?!

Hi all, As most of you know, for the last couple of years we’ve been taking these epic road trips through Canada.  So far we’ve driven something like 11,000 miles, but we’ve decided it’s just not enough.  This year we are traveling to Newfoundland Canada.  For the geographically challenged amongst you…

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Pre-trip LX450 maintenance

This time around, she needed a bit more TLC than expected. Apparently driving into the city every day takes its toll when you’re running 35″ tires. In the last 2 weeks all 4 corners have had new brake rotors, new wheel bearings, rebuilt brake calipers, new brake pads, and new…

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Day 1: On the road again

We knew today was going to be a long one. We had to cover 575 miles before dinner time on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend. Needless to say, we had a late dinner. Both Tracy and I had been deeply involved in our respective jobs for the last year,…

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Day 5: Gros Morne

The weather this morning was not great – it was rainy and cold. But we’re here, right? So off we went. We started the day at the Visitor’s Center just down the road. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, we found another Land Cruiser. It’s like my…

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Day 6: Gros Morne #2

The weather was beautiful when we woke up this morning. Over breakfast we decided on a change of plans, and booked a reservation on the boat tour of Western Brook Pond. We had intended to go tomorrow, but we were a little afraid if something happened we’d miss our chance,…

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Day 7: Gros Morne #3

Happily the weather today was great, blue skies and sunshine all around. We started the day by treating ourselves to breakfast in town, at the same place we had dinner last night. Yummy. We decided to hike Green Gardens, which is back on the southern side of the park. We…

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Day 9: Quirpon (Kar-POON)

Icebergs and Vikings on the Northern Peninsula today. The weather was nasty today, a little rainy and a lot foggy. We decided to head over to Saint Anthony in the morning – that’s the biggest town out here – in the hopes the weather would clear up some in the…

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Day 11: Deer Lake to Twillingate

We left Deer Lake in more dismal weather, and continued east on the Trans Canada highway. Small side note here – we’ve now traveled something like 99% of the Trans-Canada, we’ve only missed the sections on Vancouver Island, between Montreal and Ottawa, and from here down to St. John. Not…

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Day 12: Twillingate

Today was all about dramatic scenery and icebergs. We started the morning with a boat tour to get up close to some icebergs. Fortunately, there are two in the bay so we didn’t have to venture too far into the North Atlantic. It was awesome! Remember, what they say about…

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Day 14: Sydney to Saint John

The ferry was quite a bit rougher going home than going to Newfoundland. Or maybe it just seemed that way because it was night and we were trying to sleep. Either way, we were both pretty relieved to disembark early this morning. No more boats for awhile, I think. The…

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Day 15: Saint John to Home

We left Saint John early this morning and headed home. We had originally intended to stop overnight in New Hampshire, but in the end decided we’d rather spend the night in our own bed. Fortunately it was bright sunshine and blue skies all the way. We stopped in Portland for…

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