Day 6: Gros Morne #2

The weather was beautiful when we woke up this morning. Over breakfast we decided on a change of plans, and booked a reservation on the boat tour of Western Brook Pond. We had intended to go tomorrow, but we were a little afraid if something happened we’d miss our chance, and we knew it was going to be a highlight of our stay here.

On the drive to the Pond, we stopped at Lobster Cove Head Lighthouse (those words just seem like they’re in the wrong order, but it’s correct). It’s preserved as a museum, but it’s still a working lighthouse. It’s just at the end of Bonne Bay, so there’s a great view into both the Bay and down the coast.

We then headed north to Western Brook Pond. There’s a short hike – about 1.8 miles – from the parking lot out to the boat dock. Of course on the walk out it started clouding up.

We boarded the boat and headed into the Pond. It was formed by the glaciers, and is just totally unspoiled. It’s a long, fairly narrow lake, with towering rock cliffs on both sides. There are all sorts of waterfalls coming down the rocks, and it was just beautiful.

The guide told us the water is so pure it can’t even support much life, so there’s not much fish in the lake.

That last picture is a waterfall right at the end of the pond. It’s called – and I kid you not – Pissing Mare Falls. I have no idea why, but that just might be the single best name for a waterfall ever.

On our way back towards the boat dock, it got pretty cold so everyone on board went inside. The guide put on some typical Newfoundland music, and the next thing I know, Jon’s playing the spoons. I could feel my children screaming in horror.

Of course it rained/snowed on us while we were on the boat, continuing on through our walk back to the car. Right at the end we spotted a small herd of caribou in the bog (not sure how well you can see them, but they’re the little white dots in the middle):

On our drive back south we saw a sign for ‘SS Ethie’, so we stopped to check it out. Sure enough, it’s the remains of a boat that shipwrecked in 1919 in a bad storm. Fortunately everyone survived the wreck. There are still all sorts of pieces of the ship scattered over the beach, which was covered in the most amazingly pretty rocks:

Hopefully tonight’s dinner will be better than last night’s.


  1. Incredible!! Really looks like you guys are having a great time!!! Savor every minute of this!!

    When do you return to the office?? Not that you’re looking forward to it I’m sure, HAH!!

  2. I can just see Jon and the spoons….I remember when he joined the band at Leslie’s wedding.

    Pissing Mare! Love it. You both look great.

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