Hi all,
As most of you know, for the last couple of years we’ve been taking these epic road trips through Canada. So far we’ve driven something like 11,000 miles, but we’ve decided it’s just not enough. This year we are traveling to Newfoundland Canada. For the geographically challenged amongst you all, that’s a really, really big island that sits between the east coast of Canada, and well, basically Greenland (okay, so Greenland is further north, but still, there’s not much else east of Newfoundland until you hit Europe).
For those of you who wonder why on earth we’d want to spend two weeks driving around Newfoundland, it’s all about the nature thing. The primary reason to go at this time of year is to see icebergs – they calve off of the glaciers in the Arctic and Greenland, and go sailing down the coast of Newfoundland, which is known as ‘Iceberg Alley’. Now I know that not everyone will understand our desire to stare at giant ice cubes in the ocean, but this has been on my bucket list for quite awhile and I’m pretty excited about it. We’re also planning a trip to a restored Viking village on the northern tip of the island (there definitely could be pictures of us in Viking hats – horns and all) and doing some hiking around some of the most scenic parks in all of Canada. And let us not forget – we may decide to take a side trip to a tiny island off the east coast of Newfoundland called Fogo. The main attraction (for us, anyway) of Fogo is that it’s one of the four corners of the Earth according to the Flat Earth Society. If you’ve never heard of the Flat Earth Society, I encourage you to Google it immediately – there’s just no describing the weirdness. Personally, their claim that “all penguins are Jews” is really my favorite part.
As we’ve done the last two years, we are going to chronicle our adventures and share some awesome pictures. You can find the blog at https://www.heldhouse.com; for anyone who’s really been paying attention you will note that we’ve re-done the blog yet again. We were pretty unhappy with the limitations of the platform we were using but it looks pretty great now that we’ve moved it. We hope that you’ll check in occasionally to see what we’re up to, and leave us a comment or two.
See you all in a couple of weeks!
Lots of love,
Jon and Tracy